
Additional programs are available. Contact us for information on additional or specialty programs you may need.

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy is a well known and respected profession specializing in the evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Physical therapists have the rewarding opportunity to make a positive difference in the quality of their patients’ lives. They help to manage and prevent a wide range of conditions, including orthopedic and soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, fractures and dislocations.

Therapists work to make patients stronger, relieve their pain, and help them regain function so that they can resume activities of daily living such as walking, dressing or bathing. Physical Therapists strive to keep their patients healthy and safe. Therapists understand that recovery continues after the patient has completed direct care. Therefore, physical therapists teach their patients what they need to do at home to manage their condition so they continue to move forward.Life is not a spectator sport, it’s meant to be lived. If pain or limited movement is keeping you from living life to its fullest, physical therapy can help.

What We Offer

Evaluation – In-depth assessment of your condition by our Doctors of Physical Therapy, focusing on your medical history, the history of your current problem, and a thorough mechanical assessment of your body. We perform top-notch evaluations because we want to uncover ALL of the reasons you may have developed symptoms.

Manual Therapy – Hands-on techniques targeting your problem areas, including soft-tissue mobilization, deep tissue massage, joint mobilization, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), post-isometric relaxation, neural mobilization and myofascial release designed to assist in the healing process and improve recovery.

Therapeutic Exercise – Customized exercises, prescribed by your therapist to address strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and other functional impairments that are uncovered during the evaluation.

Strength and Endurance Training – Carefully prescribed doses of exercise using body weight, manual resistance, free weights and other specialized strengthening equipment that help to improve your physical strength, endurance, performance and ability to avoid future injury.

Stretching – Hands-on muscle relaxation and lengthening techniques, targeting muscle groups that are in spasm, protecting sore joints or nerves, or are just short from years of disuse. The type of stretch and dose are carefully chosen by your therapist, and pictures with descriptions are given to help you work on them at home.

Neuromuscular Re-education – Verbal, manual, and device-assisted treatments, focusing on teaching and training correct muscle timing, activation, and coordination. This treatment strategy helps to make the most of the mobility and strength gains you get in therapy.

Gait Training – Expert movement assessment and re-training using state of the art technology, both for high-level running technique and for normal walking patterns. You take thousands of steps per day, so good mechanics really matter!

Cardiovascular Conditioning – Evidence based exercise prescription, focusing on your heart and lung health. Your overall health, wellness, life expectancy, and healing abilities are significantly influenced by how healthy your heart and lungs are, so we make this a priority. Our clinics are equipped with stair-climbers, treadmills, stationary bicycles, ellipticals, upper body ergometers, and other modes of cardiovascular training to help get you on track.

Education – You are the most important person in the rehab process. Your rate of improvement increases tremendously if you understand your condition, believe in the plan of care, know how to measure your success, and know what to expect along the way. We take pride in educating you about every aspect of your care, because we know how much it matters.

Equipment Prescription – You need the right tools to do the job well. A home exercise program that includes equipment like resistance bands, tape, braces, heat packs, cold packs, foam rollers, insoles, theracanes, balance boards, and stretch-out straps can mean the difference between momentary relief and sustained results!

Therapeutic Modalities – We consult the latest research to guide our use of therapeutic modalities. In the right conditions, your therapist will utilize Heat/Cold packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, iontophoresis, phonophoresis, cervical traction, or lumbar traction to further improve your recovery.

Areas of Treatment

  • Pain
  • Weakness
  • Stiffness
  • Balance Deficits
  • Fatigue
  • Poor Endurance
  • Poor Flexibility
  • Poor Posture
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Sports Injuries
  • Work Injuries
  • Post-Surgical Conditions
  • Personal and Auto Injuries
  • Nerve Injuries (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, etc.)
  • Orthopedic Injuries
  • Acute and Chronic Conditions

We are excited to bring ATC On Field Coverage to local recreational athletes!

Just because you are not a professional athlete, doesn’t mean you can’t be treated like one. Our team of Certified Athletic Trainers (ATC’s) provide volunteer coverage for local recreational games and tournaments. Injuries can happen and athletes of all levels deserve to have the right medical treatment on hand. We provide all equipment and staff so you can enjoy your game knowing we are there if and when you need us.

No matter what sport, you can find our staff on the sidelines providing a wide range of services, including:

  • First Aid
  • On Field Injury Evaluation
  • Concussion Assessment
  • Protective Taping
  • Functional Testing for safe return to play
  • Consultation: injury prevention, strength and condition, rehabilitative exercise
  • Physician Referral Recommendations

If you are interested in having your league covered by our Certified Athletic Trainers, please contact us @ 540.687.8181 or email

People who cannot tolerate traditional exercise programs find the water to be the perfect medium for exercise. It promotes pain relief due to the buoyancy property of water that provides support for your joints. It decreases weight bearing so that compression of the joints is minimized. The therapeutic benefits of water include the ability to perform functional movements that may otherwise be inhibited on land such as walking and squatting. The water provides support and therefore patients experience a reduced fear of falling and greater mobility.

Aquatic therapy promotes increased venous return and assists in improving circulation which aids in decreasing swelling and increasing range of motion. Participating in therapy in the water allows patients to work on balance training and postural awareness while strengthening weak muscles and improving overall endurance. With all of these benefits, it is no wonder that our aquatic programs are especially popular.

The Jackson Clinics offer a professional Bike Fit Exam to maximize the function of a bike for each individual cyclist.

Our staff will:

  • Clinically diagnose any mechanical or structural problems for a cyclist.
  • Assess the limitations and identify areas of strain to prevent or even treat injuries.
  • Correctly mount fittings and set-up the bike for a cyclist’s specific needs and function.

Why choose the Jackson Clinics?
Our clinical staff can tell you WHY we are making a particular change. Whether it is a structural or biomechanical issue that needs to be addressed, our therapists will diagnose every individual issue and ensure each bike is fitted for utmost efficiency.

Bike Fitting is offered at the following locations:

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) therapy is a revolutionary treatment that is rapidly gaining popularity in the field of Physical Therapy. By restricting blood flow to certain muscles, BFR therapy helps to accelerate muscle growth, improve strength, and enhance recovery from injuries.

Key Benefits of BFR Therapy:

  1. Improved Muscle Growth: BFR therapy works by restricting blood flow to the muscles being targeted during exercise. This restriction triggers a series of physiological responses that lead to an increase in muscle growth. This means that patients who undergo BFR therapy can see significant improvements in muscle mass and strength.
  2. Faster Recovery: Because BFR therapy stimulates muscle growth and repair, it can help to speed up the recovery process after an injury. This means that patients who undergo BFR therapy can return to their normal activities faster than those who don’t.
  3. Reduced Risk of Injury: By targeting specific muscles, BFR therapy allows patients to strengthen those muscles without putting undue stress on their joints or other body parts. This reduces the risk of injury and makes it possible for patients to continue exercising and building strength even when they have an injury.
  4. Increased Endurance: BFR therapy can also improve endurance by increasing the number of capillaries in the muscles being targeted. This means that patients who undergo BFR therapy can exercise for longer periods of time without feeling fatigued.
  5. Non-Invasive Treatment: BFR therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can be performed in a physical therapy office or at home with the right equipment. This makes it an attractive option for patients who want to avoid surgery or other more invasive treatments.
  6. Versatile Treatment: BFR therapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and muscle strains. It can also be used to enhance athletic performance and improve overall fitness.

If you are interested in BFR therapy, click the link below to schedule an appointment and see if it is right for you. With its numerous benefits and versatile applications, BFR therapy is quickly becoming a go-to treatment for patients who want to improve their strength, endurance, and overall fitness.

Physical Therapy is an integral part of breast cancer rehabilitation. Those undergoing treatments for breast cancer often face surgery. Physical therapists can work with women to alleviate symptoms caused by surgical intervention or medical treatment for cancer.

Our therapists can help:

  • Reduce Pain
  • Improve Strength
  • Mobility & Flexibility

At The Jackson Clinics, our goal is to assist you through the course of cancer treatment and help you return to your regular activities.  Current breast cancer treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and endocrine therapies.  Some treatments may lead to physical or functional impairments which can be amenable with rehabilitation.  In the past, many of these impairments, which may include pain, fatigue, lymphedema, weakness, loss of mobility, or numbness and tingling, have gone untreated.

Here, at The Jackson Clinics, we utilize the most up to date standard of care called the Prospective Surveillance Model to assist in prevention, and to help minimize the effects of cancer treatment.

The Prospective Surveillance Model, or PSM, is a proactive approach to periodically examining patients and providing continued assessment during and after disease treatment, often in the absence of impairment.  This model allows for early detection and intervention of physical impairments known to be associated with cancer treatment.  Research has shown that the PSM reduces post-operative complications related to breast cancer treatment and lowers the overall cost of treatment by being proactive in early detection of physical complications.

The PSM is divided into 3 phases. 

Phase 1: The first phase includes a preoperative evaluation.  This evaluation consists of a thorough assessment of current level of function, exercise habits and allows the clinician to establish a baseline from which to follow the patient and detect change over time.  This visit also provides education regarding the postoperative plan of care, including postoperative exercises, and advice for returning to activities during and after treatment.  Further, the preoperative visit allows for discussion regarding known risk factors and adverse effects of cancer treatment.

Phase 2: The second phase of PSM includes a postoperative evaluation.  This visit repeats baseline tests and measures and further reinforces education regarding exercise, and return to activity. An individualized exercise program is prescribed for independent exercise throughout the course of cancer treatment, aimed at improving function and preventing impairments related to treatment.

Phase 3: The third and final phase consists of ongoing surveillance.  Baseline tests and measures are repeated at each follow- up visit in an effort to identify changes and to detect early signs of physical impairment. If impairments are detected, rehabilitation may be initiated.  This proactive approach promotes early intervention to optimize recovery and return to pre-operative level of function.

At The Jackson Clinics, we strive to assist you in reaching your optimal level of function and achieving your goals of health and wellness.  We believe taking a proactive approach via the Prospective Surveillance Model is the best way to reach these goals together.

Schedule your appointment today with one of our Certified Lymphedema Therapists!

Cancer survivorship program

Cancer survivorship starts at the time of cancer diagnosis and physical therapy can help in a number of ways in all stages along the way.

Physical activity:

Survivors need to know it is safe and important to be as active as safely possible for them during each stage of survivorship. Physical activity recommendations for cancer survivors, in general, are the same as recommendations for healthy adults. For those unable to meet these recommendations, it is important to be as active as possible. Any activity is better than none and a physical therapist can help tailor a physical activity program to meet individual needs.

Physical activity recommendations:

  • 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise
  • 2 days per week of total body resistance training


Appropriate physical activity has significant scientific support to reduce the risk of several cancers (secondary cancers are a risk factor of most cancer treatments). It also has been show to improve quality of life and some health indicators after diagnoses.

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important. Obesity increases cancer risk and mortality. American Cancer Society (ACS) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend maintaining BMI within 18.9-24.9 range and avoiding increases in waist circumference.

Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness Implications: Without intervention, individuals undergoing active cancer treatment lose CV fitness. With only a moderate level of physical activity, fitness can be maintained or gained during cancer treatment. This has very important implications for maintaining current functional status and is especially important for elderly to maintain their independence.

After cancer treatments are completed, survivors still tend to lose CV fitness if no intervention is made, and significant fitness improvements can be made with an appropriate physical activity routine.

Cancer related fatigue: This is a common but not fully understood side effect of cancer and treatments. Fatigue leads to decreased activity which leads to deconditioning and more fatigue. This creates a vicious cycle and intervention can help prevent or minimize the deconditioning.

Muscular strength implications: During and after cancer treatments, survivors tend to lose muscular strength. Resistance training is safe and effective but with certain at risk populations, specific guidance is important to decrease the risk of complications such as lymphedema.

Pain: Pain is a common complaint among cancer survivors, and many of these musculoskeletal sources of pain. A thorough evaluation can help determine the sources of pain and identify those that will benefit from physical therapy intervention

Your body is a complex mechanical system. To prevent mechanical breakdown with common activities like standing, walking and running, the joints and muscles of your legs and feet need good alignment, strength and endurance. Our therapists are trained to assess your mechanical system using a state-of-the-art biomechanical movement evaluation. Based on this analysis, they will prescribe stretches, exercises, and in some cases, insoles or custom orthotics for your feet. Your orthotics will be molded directly to your foot, and your therapist will prescribe alterations to maximize your pain relief and performance when you wear them.

The Jackson Clinics provides complimentary orthotics check-ups every year to make sure they are still optimally serving your needs.  During that 15 minute screen, the therapist will also check in on your exercise routine and progress the intensity to fit your goals.

FREE 15 minute SCREEN

THE QUESTION: What’s Wrong With My Body?

Free Screen at The Jackson Clinics, Physical TherapyThe human body is a machine with a brilliant and complex design. Used correctly, it will provide years of efficient, injury free function. Used incorrectly, it may break down.

Unlike a machine made of nuts, bolts or circuits, the human machine has the ability to compensate, substitute and adapt. If your machine has injured parts, you eventually reach a point where you can no longer effectively adapt and your performance suffers.

The FREE physical therapy screen is a way to quickly assess the function of one part of your machine and identify whether it is performing properly. If your therapist notices areas where you are out of balance they will advise ways to bring you into balance, so that you can heal and avoid future injury.

You need to be physically fit, but equally important you need to be functionally fit. This way, you can safely exercise, participate in sports, and enjoy daily activities.

THE ANSWER: GIVE us 15 minutes and we’ll give you a FREE Physical Therapy Screen

This does not require a prescription or a referral from a doctor, and is offered EXCLUSIVELY at ALL our Jackson Clinics locations.

*Not applicable to patients in federal or state funded programs, such as Medicare or Medicaid.
*Injury Screening is a consultation and does not involve a physical therapy evaluation or treatment.

Physical Therapy for Lymphedema
The good news is Lymphedema is a treatable condition that can be controlled through the combination of:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Multi-layered compression bandages & garment fitting
  • Exercising, strengthening & conditioning the affected extremity
  • Balance training
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Thorough patient education with precaution awareness

Our program will make significant improvements by restoring functional mobility and strength, reducing swelling and pain, and improving cosmetic appearance.

How physical therapy helps:
Physical therapy can be utilized to improve range of motion, strength, endurance and function before and after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Our goal is to help patients return back to normal activities, such as work, exercise and hobbies, as quickly and safely as possible.

Signs and symptoms of Lymphedema?
Lymphedema can occur in any body part. Some common early symptoms include:

  • Tightness, swelling or thickening anywhere in the extremity. Initially the swelling may fluctuate but over time it worsens.
  • A burning sensation or tingling sensation radiating down the extremity.
  • Complaints of heaviness or aching of the extremity.
  • Inability to wear rings, jewelry, watches or clothing secondary to edema.

Lymphedema Services Provided by:

Jennifer Burda, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA
Manassas Office

Sara Kirkland, PT, DPT, OCS, CLT-UE
Skyline Office

As an LSVT BIG® Certified Physical Therapist, Brittany Cogbill, PT, DPT (Oakton) specializes in helping patients with Parkinson’s disease improve their balance, walking and ability to perform everyday activities.

LSVT BIG® = BIG Exercise!

Research suggest that you should NOT wait until you begin to experience disability, impaired function or loss of balance to start exercise-based physical and occupational therapy.

LSVT BIG® techniques train individuals with PD and other neurological conditions to use bigger movements anywhere, anytime in daily living. This empowers individuals with the potential they have to keep moving and stay active.

It is essential that LSVT BIG® treatments are delivered by physical or occupational therapists who are certified in this method.

Contact our LSVT BIG® Certified Physical Therapists today for a free screening!

LSVT Global

The Jackson Clinics therapists provide pediatric services for orthopedic, neurological, or developmental conditions on an outpatient basis. Ages can vary from birth to school-aged children.

Our pediatric therapists will:
  • Assist in development of age appropriate gross motor skills
  • Assist in functional independence for home, community and school
  • Provide parent education
  • Focus on strengthening, stretching, balance and exercises based on needs determined at evaluation
Conditions treated include:
  • Torticollis
  • Toe Walking
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Downs Syndrome
  • Developmental Delay
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta
  • Orthopedic conditions such as hip dysplasia, fractures, and sprains.
Pediatric services for under 8 are offered at the following locations:

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy for treatment of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic pain.

3D Running Exam at The Jackson Clinics

Precision Insights: Dive deep into your running mechanics with our state-of-the-art 3D analysis. Discover how your body moves, identifies potential risks for injury, and unlocks areas for improvement.

Personalized Recommendations: No two runners are alike, and neither are their needs. Receive tailored recommendations and exercises designed specifically for you, helping you reach your goals efficiently and effectively.

Expert Guidance: Our experienced team of physical therapists and running specialists are with you every step of the way. Get insights, tips, and strategies to enhance your technique and optimize your performance.

RunDNA Runner Portal: Your Running Journey, Elevated

Your Personal Hub: Access your individualized Runner Portal to view your exam results, personalized improvement plans, and track your running milestones—all in one convenient location.

Exam Results at Your Fingertips: Review your detailed 3D analysis results anytime, anywhere. Understand your gait, stride, footstrike, and more, empowering you with knowledge to run stronger.

Personalized Improvement Plans: Stay on track with your customized plan designed by our Running Specialist (Doctor of PT). Explore exercises, stretches, and drills tailored to enhance your performance and prevent injuries.

Mileage Tracking: Keep tabs on your progress with built-in mileage tracking. Set goals, track your runs, and celebrate milestones as you conquer new distances.

Direct Communication: Connect with your Running Specialist effortlessly through the portal. Ask questions, seek advice, and receive ongoing support to ensure you’re always running at your best.

What to Expect:

Comprehensive Analysis: Through our detailed 3D running exam, we’ll analyze your gait, stride, footstrike, and more. Uncover the nuances of your running form like never before.

Individualized Report: Receive a detailed report breaking down your results, highlighting strengths, areas of concern, and actionable steps to enhance your running experience.

Hands-On Coaching: Sit down with our Doctors of Physical Therapy to discuss your report, ask questions, and develop a personalized plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

For more information, click here.

Physical Therapy is an integral part of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and overall health and wellness in strength training & functional fitness. Physical Therapists can help athletes reduce pain, improve strength, mobility, and flexibility.

The Jackson Clinics – Physical Therapy provides individualized evaluation and treatment for strength training athletes that have pain/movement dysfunction for the foundational movements:

  • The squat
  • Front squat
  • Overhead squat
  • Shoulder press
  • Push press
  • Push jerk
  • Deadlift/upright row combinations
  • The clean


If an injury has prevented you from pursuing a fitness program in the past, we can help you devise a plan to avoid additional injuries in the future.

Contact us today (888.889.6363) for a FREE 15 minute SCREEN.*

* Screening are not applicable to patients in federal or state funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid
* Screenings are consultations and do not involve a physical therapy evaluation or treatment.

Dan Alcorn, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS (Skyline), and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
Strength training & functional fitness program leader and member of CrossFit Adaptation (CFA)



September (Kettlebell to toes)
August (Kettlebell rollover)
July (Midline Stabilization)
June (Long Sitting Shoulder Warm up)
May (Dynamic Shoulder Warm up series)
March (Segmental Roll)
February (Thoracic Spine Mobility)
January (Shoulder Opener)

November (Stretching the Shoulder & Chest)
(Serratus Roll Out)
August (Single Lag Resisted Shoulder Flexion)
July (Improving Overhead Position)
May (Side plank with horizontal abduction)
April (Midline Stability and Shoulder Activation)
March (Breathing and Mobility)
February (Golfers Elbow)
January (Soft Tissue Mobility)

November (Shoulder Seminar Exercises)
October (Ankle Mechanics to Avoid Injury)
September (Spinal Mechanics to Avoid Injury)
August (Shoulder Exercises to Avoid Injury)
July (Squatting, A way of life)
June (Get out of your chair and mobilize!)
May (Mobility and Coordination for the Front Squat)
April (Using the Stretch Shortening Cycle for the Split Jerk)
March (Optimizing Deadlift Setup)
February (Thoracic Mobility for the Push Press)
January (Scarecrow Test)

December (Fix your bench press)
November (Avoid the butt wink)
October (Using the tripod for stability)
September (Fix your strict press)
August (Retraining the Overhead squat)
July (Mobility techniques for Front Squat)


“After several months dealing with back pain and not being able to lead a regular active life, I was able to go back to my normal sporting activities thanks to 2 1/2 very productive and intense months of physical therapy sessions with Dan Alcorn.”

– Carlos R, Arlington VA

Last year I was introduced to the Jackson Clinic team through CrossFit Adaptation. I was fortunate enough to have them increase my overall level of health by helping me improve my limited range of motion overhead. Particularly, I was able to set a new personal best in my overhead squat at 245lbs. This was a 45lbs increase and the team was critical in my progression. From the beginning, I was extremely impressed at their immediate feedback through movement analysis as well as their ability to educate athletes for long term growth. Personally, they have opened a world to me from their practice of good medicine, ultimately inspiring me to pursue a profession in Physical Therapy. I haven’t seen a team more dedicated in their pursuit to alleviate pain and improve movement dysfunction. Take full advantage of this team and grow stronger in every aspect of your life.”

– Ben F, Arlington VA

 “I herniated a disc in my lower back in June of 2013, initially the injury left me in severe pain unable to do more than lay on my back for more than 10 days.   I had serious concerns about recovery, the thought of walking again without shooting pain, and the specter of requiring invasive methods to do so.  After consulting with Dr. Alcorn he came up with a plan of physical therapy treatment to reduce pain and regain mobility.  After a few weeks of treatment I started seeing significant improvement and within 3 months I was back in the crossfit gym participating in regular workouts.  Dan took time to explain the various treatments in detail, and pushed me to break through every barrier to recovery.   Dr. Alcorn’s knowledge and care, coupled with his crossfit experience, not only helped me to recover, but to improve form and gain a greater understanding of my own movement strengths & weaknesses.

– Justin H, Arlington VA

After years of lower back pain, almost zero core strength, and trying to fix both problems on my own, I realized I needed help from an outside source. I found Dan, and the Jackson clinics, through my Crossfit gym. Dan is awesome! His expertise and knowledge helped me understand what was happening to my body and why. He taught me how to start changing my years of incorrect posture, and gave me the tools and exercises I needed to regain strength. Working with Dan was fantastic. He is an excellent listener, easy to talk with and to understand, and is a master at fixing what’s wrong with bodies that have broken down. I hated having to end my therapy with him, and was trying hard to find something else wrong, so my sessions could continue. I was so happy to have found such a great therapist, and I would absolutely recommend Dan (and have done so already!), to anyone needing PT.”

– Amy G, Arlington VA

“I went to see Dr. Dan Alcorn after suffering an Achilles strain (which later turned into Achilles tendonosis). The pain was intense and altered my abilities to walk properly.  The injury occurred during a Crossfit competition loaded with running, double unders, and box jumps.

I saw Dr. Alcorn for 6 weeks.  He was beyond knowledgable and not only helped me heal my injury, but he helped me correct/improve some bad habits which I developed throughout my athletic career in regards to stance and balance throughout the foot. I was able to return to Crossfit competitions and feel even more confident with my lifts and performance than before.”

– Sally S, Arlington VA

“I had ACL & Meniscus surgery in March 2013 and was told by my surgeon that I would never squat again. Clearly, he did not understand my CrossFit goals. Dr. Dan Alcorn, along with his associates at The Jackson Clinics, were extremely helpful in creating a physical therapy treatment plan that would help me achieve my goals in a safe and efficient manner. Through hard work, encouragement, and a very knowledgeable staff I was able to perform full depth squats within 3 months and ran a 5K 6 months post surgery. I can not thank Dan nor everyone else at Jackson Clinics enough for their support and encouragement through my rehab process.” 

– Brandon B. Arlington VA

“I broke my ankle in a softball game and instantly I began to dread the long recovery. After surgery and seven weeks in a cast – I began to wonder if I could ever return to crossfit. Once the cast came off my fears were looking more like reality as I could not even stand, let alone take a step on my injured leg. I immediately sought out Physical Therapist Dan Alcorn due to his reputation and background with crossfit and crossfit athletes. Dr. Alcorn developed a plan to get me back to lifting, running and jumping as soon as possible. Dan and the rest of the team at The Jackson Clinic pushed me beyond my limits, mentally and physically, and guided me through our plan to rebuild the strength in my foot, ankle, and leg. With Dan’s therapy and advice, I have been fully able to participate in daily WODs during my recovery by understanding my strengths and physical limits with crossfit movements. Additionally he has provided me with the tools and knowledge to continue working to regain my full range of motion in my ankle.”

– Josh M. Arlington, VA

Anyone who dreads going to physical therapy has never worked with a team as knowledgeable and passionate as Dan and his team are. When I injured my back after a few bad deadlift sessions and an even worse Open 13.1 workout with the heavy snatches, I had seen two doctors with no progress before I came to Dan’s office. In no time at all, he got me on the road to recovery, and I was back in the box before I knew it. When I was finished with my treatments, not only was I feeling back to 100%, but I had vastly improved my form and made mobility a priority throughout the day. As a CrossFitter himself, Dan knows the ins and outs of what we’re doing, and tailors his recovery regimen accordingly. I can’t recommend anyone better than Dan and his team.

– Brian L. Arlington VA

While doing box jumps one morning at my crossfit gym, I ended up with a broken metatarsal bone in my foot (Jones fracture). When I heard the crack of the bone, I immediately knew that I was going to be out of commission for a while and was pretty devastated. After surgical repair with a compression screw, six weeks in a cast, and another four weeks in a walking boot, my muscles were atrophied, my foot was swollen, and my ankle was stiff and weak. I was frustrated that even though my fracture was healed, I was still no where near getting back to the gym. On my first day of physical therapy with Dan, I could barely do four calf raises on that leg and any movement of my ankle was unbearable. Each time I went in, I saw improvements in my strength and mobility, and in just two weeks, I was back at the gym for my first wod. Six weeks later, I actually made the leader board (something that rarely happened even before I broke my foot) for a workout that included broad jumps: one of my biggest weaknesses throughout therapy. Needless to say I was ecstatic. I recently finished physical therapy after a total of ten weeks and have been back to my regular routine for a while now. Not only do I no longer need to scale any movements because of my foot or ankle, but I feel like I have already progressed beyond where I was when the injury occurred. I am really thankful for all of the help and encouragement I received from Dan, particularly when I was frustrated and impatient to get back to my normal activity level.

-Christina K. Arlington


CrossFit Falls Church
130 West Jefferson St, Falls Church, Virginia 22046


 CrossFit Adaptation
4144 S 4 Mile Run Dr, Arlington, VA 22206

Photo courtesy of KX Photography

What is TMD?
Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) refers to conditions causing pain and impairments of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and surrounding muscles. The joint and muscles work together to control movement of the jaw, and they require coordination to complete daily tasks, such as yawning and chewing. Frequently, TMD includes symptoms such as clicking, popping, locking and grinding in the jaw. You may also experience headaches, dizziness, sinus pain and ear ringing related to TMD. The TMJ and neck have a close relationship, and often treatment of both can lead to the greatest improvements.

The GOAL of Physical therapy:
The goal of Physical Therapy treatment for Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) is to provide pain relief using a variety of techniques to improve your range of motion through exercise and manual therapy and to improve posture and muscle imbalance. There may be modifications to your activities or work station that would be helpful as well.

Physical therapy treatment
Our physical therapists will work closely with your dentist or physician to establish an individualized treatment plan based on results from a comprehensive evaluation. The most current treatment options will be utilized to ensure the best outcome for decreased pain and improved function. Your customized care plan will use a variety of treatment modalities, such as:

  • Manual therapy to the joints and surrounding muscles
  • Education on lifestyle changes and behavior modification
  • Specific exercises to improved coordination and mobility
  • Modalities for pain relief

TMD Services Provided by:
Hilary Frimenko, PT, DPT (Centreville), Chelsea McNally, PT, DPT (Oakton), Alex Bengtsson, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS (Potomac Falls / Sterling)

Trigger Point Dry Needling uses small, thin needles to stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular and connective tissues for the management of many orthopedic conditions, both acute and chronic. By inserting a needle into the dysfunctional tissue, it often leads to a contraction of the muscle which then stimulates a relaxation. This leads to a reduction of pain, improvements in flexibility and a restoration of normalized movement when combined with corrective exercises.

A myofascial trigger point is a hyperirritable spot within a taut band of skeletal muscle that produces local or referred pain. The trigger point can lead to increased pain, decreased flexibility and decreased muscle function if not treated. Trigger point dry needling is a safe, effective and efficient treatment technique to release these painful spots.

Muscle dysfunction can be the primary or secondary contributing factor to many neuromusculoskeletal conditions.


  • Dry needling must be specifically prescribed by a physician.
  • Dry needling is not covered by insurance; it is a cash based modality.

This treatment is not acupuncture. Modern dry needling is based on Western neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the muscles and nervous system. This modality can only be done by trained clinicians.

Available at the following locations:

43490 Yukon Dr.
Suite 212
Ashburn VA 20147
Tel: 703.729.7920
Fax: 888.975.0415

42365 Soave Drive
Suite 200
Brambleton, VA 20148
Tel: 571.349.3116
Fax: 571.349.3119

5900 Fort Drive
Suite 208
Centreville, VA 20121
Tel: 703.830.6360
Fax: 703.830.6362

150 Elden St.
Suite 240
Herndon VA 20170
Tel: 703.689.3737
Fax: 703.689.3889

209 Madison St.
Suite LL2
Alexandria VA 22314
Tel: 703.299.6688
Fax: 703.299.3588

5115 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041
Tel: 703-824-0701
Fax: 703-824-0704

13039 Worldgate Dr.
Herndon, VA 20170
Tel: 703.689.3164
Fax: 703.689.3167

Improve dizziness symptoms and balance problems.

Therapy for vestibular disorders can take many forms. The type of exercise utilized depends upon the unique problems that the individual demonstrates during the evaluation. Some exercises are geared toward helping with balance, some with helping the brain resolve differences in the inner ear signals, and some with improving the ability to visually focus. In addition, general exercise is often prescribed to improve overall physical health and well-being.

Our specialized therapists will:

  • Give exercises that make symptoms more manageable
  • Provide coping strategies to make recovery quicker and easier
  • Decrease fatigue – often a side effect of dizziness
  • Improve balance, confidence, and safety

Disorders treated:

  • BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
  • Unilateral loss (ie: vestibular neuritis or acoustic neuroma
  • Bilateral loss (ie: gentamicin toxicity)
  • Meniere’s Syndrome; Perilymphatic Fistula
  • Post-traumatic vertigo
  • Multifactorial disequilibrium of the elderly

Vestibular Rehabilitation is offered in our Centreville, Lorton, Oakton, Manassas, Middleburg and Springfield, Sterling, and Tysons locations. Contact one of our Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialists to learn more.

The Jackson clinics are a Certified Fit2wrk® provider for “Workers Compensation & Disability”.

Fit2wrk provides you with national consistency and standardization of services directed at mitigating risk and exposure, specifically towards lost time, expedited return to work and prevention. Our local expertise and ability to customize programs to your specific needs ensures a maximum return on investment. From start-up to program implementation we have the tools to make the process seamless and most importantly, medically and legally compliant.

If you are interested in how the Fit2WRK program can benefit your company and its employees contact us today.

Download: The Industrial Athlete

Download: Functional Work Conditioning

Learn more about Fit2WRK® at: